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The wide variety of biotopes on the coast, such as the typical mudflats and salt marshes, drifting dunes, dune valleys... attract unique plants and animals. This Special Protection Zone includes most dune areas on our coast, as well as the IJzer estuary, the Zwin and some inner dunes. This Habitats Directive area largely overlaps with the Bird Directive Area West Coast and partly with the Zwin Bird Directive Area. There is a wide variety of biotopes in the dune areas, with transitions from saltwater mudflats and salt marshes, beaches (with local fore dunes) over calcareous and more calcareous dunes to polders.

This area is located in the municipalities of De Panne, Koksijde, Nieuwpoort, Middelkerke, Ostend, Bredene, De Haan, Blankenberge, Bruges, Knokke Heist.

One of the areas where you can find many species is 'Ter Yde'. Consider the dune violet, the small fritillary butterfly, marram grass, sea spurge, blue sea thistle, crested lark, cormorant or sea buckthorn.

Click here for more information about the Ter Yde area!
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Photo: sea buckthorn, Reinhardt Strubbe

You may see these species during a visit to this N2000 area:

Blauwe zeedistel
Kleine Parelmoervlinder
Dune VioletMaram grassBlue Sea ThistleSmall Fritillary ButterflyCormorant
(c) Reinhardt Strubbe(c) Reinhardt Strubbe(c) Reinhardt Strubbe(c) Luc Van Assche(c) Koen Devos

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