Vallée de la Wimbe

This N2000 area is located in the municipalities of Beauraing, Rochefort and Wellin, and covers no less than 2215 hectares. It consists of a series of forest massifs (lime beech forests, oak hornbeam forests), hay meadows and dry grass fields that stretch along the Wimbe between Honnay and Lessive. Various species of birds and bats live there.
From the beginning of May, the grassland is guarded by a colorful bird. The gray 'cap', the black mask and the slightly hooked beak are characteristic of the red-backed shrike. High on a bush or pole, the bird regularly waves its black tail, as if to keep its balance.
Its territory is quite small: 0.5 to 4 ha. It consists mainly of open environments (meadows, hay meadows, heaths, wastelands, etc.) dotted with hedgerows and thorn bushes such as hawthorn, blackthorn and rosehips.
It feeds on large insects or small vertebrates, which it sometimes hangs on the thorns of bushes or on barbed wire as a larder. It is a predator high in the food chain and its presence indicates that the plots of land in its territory are rich in food. Biodiversity is often important there.
On Monday, May 20 (public holiday), Natagriwal, GR Sentiers, Natagora and the SPW Agriculture Ressources Naturelles Environnement offer you a day dedicated to nature as part of “Natura 2000 Day” in Lavaux-Sainte-Anne.
These activities are free, but registration is required as places are limited.

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Photo: Didier Vieuxtemps