Vallée de l'Amblève du Pont de Targnon à Remouchamps

Area 13

This site includes both forest environments (mainly slope forests) as well as magnificent stretches of river between Pont de Targnon and Remouchamps. It is of great importance for several species of birds such as the Eagle Owl, the Red-backed Shrike and the Grouse. It presents areas of remarkable landscape, geological and biological interest such as the Fonds de Quarreux and the Ninglinspo Valley. The site encompasses more than 800 ha of luzule beech forests, humid heaths, very beautiful alluvial and meadow ecosystems in the main bed of the Amblève as well as buttercup habitats and pioneer stands on gravel. The ZPS corresponds to small forest plots (Taille Poday, Bois de Bene in Lorcé, Vieux Chéra in Nonceveux, Bois de Montouhet).