
Knowledge sharing about agri-environment climate measures

Farm advisors of the Flemish Land Agency and Natagriwal share knowledge about agri-environment climate measures


On Tuesday 7 May farm advisors of the Flemish Land Agency (VLM) and of Natagriwal gathered in Hélécine. Natagriwal is a Wallonian non-profit organisation, responsible for  concluding contracts with farmers for the implementation of agri-environment climate measures (AECMs). VLM is an administration of the Flemish government that does the same thing in Flanders. Representatives from the Agency for Nature and Forests (ANB) and the Institute for Nature and Forest Research (INBO) (Flanders) were also present.

n the morning, VLM and Natagriwal presented their organization of AECMs and their approach on working together with farmers, followed by an overview of the available measures at both sides of the language border. This was followed by an excursion to see how the measures are implemented on site, both in Flanders and in Wallonia.

A Wallonian farmer, who implements Flemish and Wallonian AECMs, closed the day with the following conclusion. He mentioned that there are still quite strong differences between the two regions, with advantages and drawbacks on both sides. He praised the expertise and collaboration with the farm advisors. He stated it is crucial to acknowledge the broader context in which farmers have to work, both in an environmental and an economic sense, in order to obtain an optimal implementation of the measures.

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LIFE Belgium For Biodiversity (B4B)

The exchange took place within the framework of the LIFE Belgium For Biodiversity (B4B) project. This project, supported by European financing, aims, amongst others, to enhance the collaboration between all actors that are involved in the restoration and preservation of biodiversity in Belgium.

The project also strongly focusses on the role of agriculture. All involved partners agree that it is important to collaborate with farmers and to find solutions to biodiversity loss in rural areas, which are also economically and socially acceptable. The project runs until 2031.