Working Group ‘Nature connectivity in Belgium'


Register now for the  first big get-together on Nature Connectivity in Belgium to kick off a better knowledge exchange, collaboration and joined vision between all the different actors that are currently contributing to this theme in Belgium.  

Alongside other interregional partners, local governments and other organizations you can help to align current efforts, prepare for future challenges and brainstorm about important topics such as spatial planning, governance, financing, monitoring and research.    

This event is organized by Life B4B, Departement Omgeving (Flemish Department of Spatial Planning and Environment) and Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen( Flemish Bird Protection Association).


When: 6 November 2024: coffee at 9:00 - start at 9:30 - closing at 16:00

Where: Hendrik Conscience building, Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels  

(near Brussels-North train station)

Language used: English

This event is free but registration is required

Morning program

Welcome speech by Toon Denys (secretary-general Departement Omgeving)

Presentation results of the survey ‘Nature connectivity in Belgium’

inspirational sessions based on the answers to the survey


Lunch (12:00)


Afternoon program

Workshops (every attendee will have the option to join two different workshops)

  • Towards an integrated spatial vision: Translation of European goals into a spatial vision that ensures nature connections between regions and neighbouring countries. Brainstorm session about available data, priorities, necessary output for the different actors and further approach.  
  • Governance: Interactive brainstorm session about responsibilities, task division and commitments of the different actors involved.  How to reach maximum input by aligning efforts and joined follow-up? How do we proceed with collaborations and consultations between different levels of government and other organizations?  
  • Mobilisation of additional resources: Which opportunities are already in place to mobilise resources within Belgium and Europe? What are the major funding gaps? Can we detect the biggest needs/priorities for Belgium and combine our efforts towards these goals?  Co-building a Life-project as a concrete example of a project proposal within a European funding programme.  
  • Wildlife connectivity & capacity building: Identifying knowledge gaps regarding animal suitability of connectivity measures and population genetics. State of play concerning monitoring and research and discussion about knowledge exchange,  aligning and upscaling of research efforts.  

Wrap-up of the day  

More info

We will welcome you in the Conscience building with coffee and tea from 9:00 to 9:30. The program starts at 9:30 with a word of welcome from Toon Denys, secretary-general of Departement Omgeving. This is followed by a presentation of the results and conclusions from a recent survey on Nature Connectivity conducted by the Life B4B project. From 10:00 until 11:50 you will join a plenary session with four inspirational presentations based on the survey entrees. This inspirational session is followed by a 10-minute introduction of the workshops for the afternoon programme and an hour-long lunch break.  

The workshops will start at 13:00 and take one hour and 15 minutes each. When you register for the get-together, you will be asked to rank four themes (Towards an integrated spatial vision – Governance - Mobilisation of additional resources - Wildlife connectivity & capacity building)

Your ranking of these themes will determine which workshops you will follow, together with the maximum capacity of each session and a balanced composition of partners. After the workshops, at 15:40, we will conclude the day with a short discussion. We will determine what next steps to take, and take a group picture. The event ends at 16:00.


Photo - Departement Omgeving


An illustrated clock
An illustrated clock
start 9:00 h
end 16:00 h
Organised by
An illustrated pin

Hendrik Conscience building

Koning Albert II-laan 15

1210 Brussels  

(near Brussels-North train station)