
Project call 'Natura 2000 in the spotlight'

LIFE B4B is looking for pilot projects to promote Natura 2000 in Belgium



Photo: Jeroen Bot

Project call

Do you wish more people knew about Natura 2000, the network of protected areas in Europe? Do you have a good idea to raise awareness about it? Then apply to develop your project idea with the LIFE Belgium for Biodiversity (LIFE B4B) project.  


LIFE Belgium for Biodiversity is a strategic project for nature funded by the European LIFE programme. The project lasts from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2031. 14 partners collaborate across Belgium to boost biodiversity and increase the resilience of the Natura 2000 network.  

Promoting Natura 2000 is one of the aims of LIFE Belgium for Biodiversity. To achieve this, we rely on everyone's support.  

We want to promote the Natura 2000 network to the public and show them what Natura2000 is about. That's why we have been working with the LIFE Belgium for Biodiversity project partners on a branding strategy in recent months. This will help us communicate the vision and mission of Natura 2000, and make Natura 2000 visible and identifiable on site and in general communication. The main goal of clear branding is to increase awareness of the unique ecological values in Natura 2000 sites and to foster higher stakeholder and public engagement.  

Each approved project proposal can receive a grant of up to €15 000.

We welcome you to share your project idea if you have a creative way to raise public awareness of the Natura2000 network.


Course of the project call  

Project call open from 27 May 2024 to 09 September 2024 via the LIFE B4B website  
  • The projects will be assessed by a jury in October 2024  
  • Communication on the selected projects in October 2024
  • Administrative processing in November and December 2024  
  • Duration of projects (implementation): 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026 
  • Submitting end report by March 2027 


Here you can find all the necessary documents

Please make sure that you have read the regulations carefully before submitting your project proposal.



The logos for communication purpose.

Always add these 3 logos and this sentence on communication products:  "Co-funded by the European Union"

Disclamer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.








  1. What target groups are envisaged?

    Not only the general public, specific target groups can also be targeted.

  2. How many projects can be approved?

    The maximum budget for this call for projects is €105,000. This means that at least 7 projects can be selected. If projects apply for less funding, this number can increase as long as the budget allows.

  3. Does a project have to be carried out in Natura2000 territory?

    No, a project does not have to be carried out in Natura 2000 area. The emphasis is on communicating about Natura 2000, which is broader than just the areas. Certain animal species are also covered by Natura 2000.

  4. Do projects have to start on 1 January 2025?

    - No, projects must be implemented between 1 January 2025 and 31 December 2026. There is no stipulation as to how long a project must last at least.
    - Projects can also end earlier than 31 December 2026, which also allows the grant to be paid out sooner.

  5. Who may submit a project?

    All natural persons (residing in Belgium), Belgian municipalities and organisations with their registered office in Belgium can submit a project proposal, except for project partners (see and the higher authorities (who are actually also partners in the project) namely the Federal, Flemish, Walloon and Brussels Authorities

  6. Can a person or organisation submit multiple projects?

    It is possible to submit multiple projects but only 1 project per organisation or person can be approved.

  7. Staff costs are excluded from funding. Are volunteer allowances eligible for the grant?

    Yes, volunteer allowances are eligible as long as they fall within the legal framework of per diems and maximum annual amount.

  8. Do public procurement laws have to be followed? 

    Yes, for amounts above €3,000, 3 bids must be requested. If the lowest price is not retained, this must be justified. 

  9. Are contracts under framework contracts eligible?

    Yes, as long as the law on public procurement is followed.

  10. Can you make a consortium to submit a project proposal?

    Yes, you may submit a project proposal with different partners together.

  11. Is inter-regional cooperation mandatory?

    No. However, a higher score is given to projects that cooperate interregionally (see score provision in the rules at

  12. Can a project proposal be part of a larger project?

    Yes, it can. However, beware of double funding. If this project proposal is an action not funded in the larger project, there is no reason why it cannot be submit

  13. If this project proposal is part of a larger project, is it possibly possible to combine staff?

    This is possible but these staff costs should remain on the other project

  14. Is it possible to implement the project with staff resources from another EU-funded project?

    This is possible but these personnel costs must remain on the other project. The accountability of these costs also lies with this other project. In complex situations, it is recommended to consult the LIFE B4B MT to check for possible problems.    

Do not hasitate to contact us if you have any questions.



Photo: Reinhardt Strubbe
