Zon door de bomen
An illustration of a magnifying glass and a plant

Monitoring & evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation

This project has the ambition to realise a positive impact. To monitor this properly, specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined. These KPIs are monitored at regular intervals and reported to the European Commission and stakeholders. The project management team facilitates this process by collecting and managing the data.

These KPIs should also allow a socio-economic impact study to be carried out, based on the GISELE methodology with the aim of making a thorough analysis of the socio-economic impact of the project. This analysis will tell us which actions have a high impact and may need to be further excerpted and/or repeated.

The Agency for Nature and Forests will also develop a methodology and collect data on the implementation of nature conservation objectives. Currently, no system exists to effectively implement management plans and monitor site activities in real time. The agency is in the process of creating a site management application that will allow rapid recording of site activities (what,where, when). This will allow reporting of restoration activities on public domains managed by the Agency. This application and methodology can be further scaled up in other regions (e.g. Brussels, Wallonia) and possibly inspire other site managers through the Eurosite network at the European level.